Saturday, December 24, 2016

Why is the nanotechnology

Everything is manufactured collection of elements and atoms. When we do some differences to the format of the atoms, we can get new elements with chemical and physical differences. Using those new elements for benefaction of human is the main goal of the nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is very famous in all around the world because it is small, fast and economical. Nano meter is the benchmark of the nanotechnology.
A Nano meter is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one billionth of a meter (10-9 m). Technology is the making, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines and techniques, in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function. Although it is small of that amount, new creations of using nanotechnology are very light, Strong and very active. It may be chemically and physically.
In 2010 Germany allocated 400 euro millions for activity of developing the nanotechnology. It is the largest amount of money which a country allocates for the developing nanotechnology. Their hopes are using the nanotechnology for developing lots of fields in the Germany. Some of those fields are Energy, Climate, Health, Food, Protection and mobility.
An addition to Germany, China has allocated annually 250 million US dollars and Russia has allocated 25 million US dollars and India also has allocated 23 million US dollars for the developing nanotechnology.
There are lots of fields which we can use the nanotechnology. They are Agriculture, Medical, Textiles, Electronic and Computer etc.
Nano sensors are introduced for the agriculture field. It is a very sensitive which we can use this field. Using this equipment we can get a good idea about the soundness of the crops. Harmful things for the crops are removed by the sensitive Nano elements. Not only that Nano sensors can identify the consumptive diseases in the crops and Nano elements can prevent them before them attack the plants and identify some viruses and bacteria which harmful to plants fore.
There is equipment called Nano capsules. Using this Nano capsules we can bring afford fertilizer and insecticide what we want to give them. As well as nanotechnology used to creating some foods and packing foods, medicine without any damage.
In the textile field we can use nanotechnology. People can use Nano fabric to use as soap for washing clothes. In this case smears in the clothes are removed easily from our clothes. As well as some chemical liquid with Nano fabric are used to remove carbon (smut) in our kitchen and stopping confusion is done by Nano fabric.
Creating a good environment is very important us. Using green nanotechnology it can be done in the near future. Recycle things what we remove after we use, using environment eco-friendly raw materials are the path of the creating a good environment. Next industrial revolution of the world is accommodating to supply clean drinking water. We can use nanotechnology for that. The Pacific North West Laboratory has found in their experiment that using substitution silicon elements can be removed toxins in the water.
The cancer is the one of the dangers side effect of the industrial revolution. Normally 58-65 million people death within a year because of diceses. Cancers are the reason of the 15% among of these deaths. Because of the Cancers, In 2015 mortal was 9 million from the population. According to a report of published by world health association by 2030 it will be increase to 11.4 million people.

Identifying cancer cells is easy to do via nanotechnology. Currently doctors use protein coated nano wires for identifying cancer cells. Those wires are made using specific category of silicon which smaller than normal viruses. Those wires are very strong.
Nano shells are another creation of nanotechnology. It can be targeted cancer cells and destroy them by without any damage for other cells.
An addition to that carbon nano tubes are the great creation of nanotechnology. There are three types of carbon nano tubes. One of them is single wall carbon tubes and others are multi wall carbon tubes. Because they are very strong, they are used to attack correctly and damage only cancer cells. An addition to that they use to transport the medicine to cancer cells.